I liked it, but didn't at the same time. The robots were there but it didn't feel like they were really in it. Can't explain.
I'm still tossing up between this and ROTF being the better one.
Laserbeak was awesome but Soundwave needed more screen time along with shockwave.
Can't believe Soundwave died at the hand of Bumblebee. I sat there saying 'do it, do it, do it' when he nearly copped it then BLAMMO no more Soundwave. How the hell did that happen?
Carley was much better then..the other one. Don't mind some perv shots though I can't really appreciate them anymore.
Simmons was still a retard and they could have cut the parts with the parents. It fit in the other movies but was forced this time around.
Megatron was just pathetic and Starscream was a rabid animal.Overall it was worth it but 3rd time around and it still doesn't feel like transformers.