Just got back from seeing this movie.

I was very optimistic about this movie and though it's still flawed in some ways - the positives were good enough for me to think of it as a well-done Bay movie that does tie up the TF-Bay era trilogy.

Can't believe it's actually come to the end of the Michael Bay era. The era that actually got me to love Transformers again after being brought up on KOs. I'll miss Bay directing TFs for sure .


Here's my review:

- ACTION ACTION ACTION. OH MAN SO MUCH METAL ON METAL ROBOT ACTION. The Chicago Finale lasted for like more than an hour - most of it was great but the only thing that I disliked was the poor flow of the editing. You had intense moments, slow, slow, intense, slow - though that could be said to be like real warfare for a movie it can get boring / but come to think of it I was eager to see what would happen next as the pace was so random. Also there needs to be a longer cut of this scene despite being already so long - for instance there's a scene where BB saves Sam and next second he is captured off-screen, HOW? This long finale in many ways reminds of The Seven Samurai classic, though I'm not going to compare both in quality I see the similarities where the major finale rages on for such a long time as there's the intense cycle of attack and retreat between both sides that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

- The plot this time around is much better than ROTF. I still can't forgive ROTF for sending Sam to Prime Heaven.

- The editing. For some reason the flow of editing seemed really off in DOTM compared to the last 2 movies. You had a couple of scenes where the film would black out so quickly like a trailer and some shots were made so short for unnecessary reasons. The flow of the music also just didn't gel so well.

- The showdowns are so brutal this time around and if there's one thing we've learned it's this - If you intend to kill Optimus Prime, don't TRY so many times because he's going to get pissed and rip your head out or shoot you dead so many times. I liked how the showdowns were that tad-bit longer than ROTF.

- You actually see the robots get more screen-time this time around which is cool - they get more dialogue - more action scenes BUT even then Decepticons barely said anything. Lazerbeak spoke more than Soundwave himself, Sentinel Prime was talking of his plans to save Cybertron on a skyscraper to no-body half the time and Shockwave, who's apparently meant to be the main villain this time around said like 2 lines!

- I like the new look of Cybertron!

- The dialogue is much funnier this time around. And I liked how Sam's mum pointed out he's dated/dating 2 supermodel-women in his life lol.

- I like Sam's arc for DOTM, this time he's out of college and transitioning his way out into adulthood with an existential crisis - where he feels he doesn't matter anymore compared to his 'prime' days back in the last 2 movies, which saw him still at educational institutions. Because my young-adult years to adult years have been in era of Bay;s TF movies I can relate to Sam very much.

Overall for a TF movie I enjoyed this one much more than ROTF but it didn't have the wow factor that the 2007 did.