At the top of where it says Sightings/Sales, can we maybe have the different things broken up?

Like maybe

MP Rodimus at TRU - SWTFs Quad-changer - Exclusives at BigW, Kmart, Target, TRU - RescueBots w1 Target - DotM Activator W2 - SWTFs Class1 W1 Tworld - New JayJays clothing

Or maybe

MP Rodimus at TRU - SWTFs Quad-changer - Exclusives at BigW, Kmart, Target, TRU - RescueBots w1 Target - DotM Activator W2 - SWTFs Class1 W1 Tworld - New JayJays clothing

Or some other way? Or a different symbol between instead of a dash. Dunno if it's just me, but I find it hard to read as it is now.