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Thread: WFC2 - Fall of Cybertron game revealed

  1. #211
    Join Date
    11th May 2011


    My bad. I haven't listened to it because I'm on holidays and spending all day at the beach(not that I'm rubbing it in or anything). I need a break down or minutes of it.

  2. #212
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    To anyone who plays PC games or at least monitors the PC Gaming industry, this'll be of very little surprise really as a very large amount of developers are starting to take the route of targeted and specific platform investment; focusing development nigh totally towards 1 or the other, PC or Console, depending on where the particular project is likely to make the largest return and if budget permits? - Maybe a port is produced, which 8 times out of 10 aren't worth the disc they're pressed on or the electricity they're downloaded via.
    Hursty, where are you getting this information? The PC gaming platform is actually going through a bit of a 'golden age' with many awesome game releases. As far as I know, this is the only multi-platform game not getting a PC release. Most high profile games get a PC release like Arkham City.

    Too many awesome games to list and sometimes to play are being released and when it comes to multi-port games the PC release usually ends up being the best of them all. I don't know what methods you use to 'monitor' the PC industry but it certainly not matching what I experience as a dedicate PC gamer.

    Why am I hesitant to buy a console to play Fall for Cybertron? Because I don't think it is worth buying a $400 console to play ONE game. The PC accommodates me for all others and more.

  3. #213
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by theheretic View Post
    Does this mean there will be little to no patches and map/character packs? Because that would suck. I loved the new maps and characters that came out months after the game release. Keeps the multiplayer fresh, which was a great part of WFC. I really hope they put some more focus into multiplayer as that's what KEPT me playing after I'd ran through the story a few times.
    Oh they will be there for sure. That seem to be the technique for games now. Sell the game at a high price, then leave bits it and sell mroe of it later....

    I am not jaded at all.

  4. #214
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Hursty, where are you getting this information? The PC gaming platform is actually going through a bit of a 'golden age' with many awesome game releases. As far as I know, this is the only multi-platform game not getting a PC release. Most high profile games get a PC release like Arkham City.

    Too many awesome games to list and sometimes to play are being released and when it comes to multi-port games the PC release usually ends up being the best of them all. I don't know what methods you use to 'monitor' the PC industry but it certainly not matching what I experience as a dedicate PC gamer.
    My own sights and experience really, that and I've noticed a growing opinion from a number of developers (Notably my resident PC god: John Carmack ) that they're getting rather frustrated with programming for the PC as compared to a Console; in that the amount of crap one has to try and code for, like: O/S, Graphics & Sound Drivers and widely varied Hardware Make-ups that comprise PCs, compared to that of standardised and never changing hardware setups and O/Ss like that of with consoles.
    (Checkout John's Quakecon 2011 keynote, mind you it's 1.5hrs or so long )

    That being said though, and as I mentioned, those that are solely coding for the PC are doing amazing things; I wouldn't necessarily call it a golden age but there certainly are a number of PC only games that are amazing like WoW, Starcraft 2, L4D but I'm looking forward to playing things like Rage and Diablo III for instance... oh and Doom 4! (When it's done )
    (Holy crap can I not wait for Diablo III and Rage! )

    Sure, there are some AAA titles that have been successfully ported to the PC like Batman: Arkum Asylum/City, BF3 & COD (Though these started life out on PC I'd debate whether their focus nowadays) and Darksiders, but there are quite a number of comparatively depressing ports like Spider Man: Web of Shadows and GTA IV as well as games that should've seen a PC release but didn't like Red Dead Redemption and obviously TF: FoC.
    Personally, I hate ports as they're too hit and miss unless significant resources are thrown their way to make them glisten, BF/CoD & Portal 2, but bad ports swing both ways as not every PC port to a console survives the the trip either.

    Why am I hesitant to buy a console to play Fall for Cybertron? Because I don't think it is worth buying a $400 console to play ONE game. The PC accommodates me for all others and more.
    Don't worry man, I'm hesitant too but if I were to get a current gen concole then the decision would be helped with things like TF: FoC, TF: Prime on Bluray, GoW, GTAIV & V, Uncharted... there are plenty of games but yeah, I wouldn't buy one simply for a single game either.
    (Unless TF: FoC turns out to be the best game ever, but nothing will top this in my mind. )

  5. #215
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Ah... Yes!, I see what you mean now dude; I think that could very well be Dragstrip indeed, which is an interesting premise as it begs the question:
    • ...are we possibly going to see other Combiners?
    Arghh, you are driving me bonkers Hursti! A while ago only the robot mode was shown in a small blurry image, people debated who it was, and some thought it was Dragstrip (and it could have been it was that hard to tell). If you hold down "Ctrl" and press "+" on your keyboard the screen will zoom in, repeat this until the screen doesn't zoom in any more, then look at the image. I would say it looks more like a Warthog from the Halo games with a big gun on top. It is not a big surprise, it is concept art for a character known to be in the game already and I was only saying the tiny picture on the wall rules out that this character could be Dragstrip. My guess is we will only see 1 combiner Still should be super sweet though! Halo, GoW and Mass Effect are also great games
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  6. #216
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I doubt I'll be playing this game, given there is no PC version. While in theory if it were the most awesome thing ever maybe I'd think about it when the consoles were on sale, but I haven't owned one or even desired to own one for years.

    The bottom line is, console gaming doesn't really seem to suit my style, and there are other things I'd prefer to invest my leisure funds in.

    I would still like to see a game based Grimlock toy though.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Ah... Yes!, I see what you mean now dude; I think that could very well be Dragstrip indeed, which is an interesting premise as it begs the question:
    • With the revelation that we will see Bruticus and the Combaticons in TF: FOC, are we possibly going to see other Combiners?
    Not sure about other combiners, but we already had Stunticons (Breakdown, Dead End), Aerialbots (Skydive, Silverbolt) and Combaticons (Onslaught) in WFC... so having Dragstrip and other members of these "special teams" in FoC wouldn't be that big a deal. It'll just have fans assuming that they are there to combine, and then complain if only the Combaticons do.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    My own sights and experience really, that and I've noticed a growing opinion from a number of developers (Notably my resident PC god: John Carmack ) that they're getting rather frustrated with programming for the PC as compared to a Console; in that the amount of crap one has to try and code for, like: O/S, Graphics & Sound Drivers and widely varied Hardware Make-ups that comprise PCs, compared to that of standardised and never changing hardware setups and O/Ss like that of with consoles.
    (Checkout John's Quakecon 2011 keynote, mind you it's 1.5hrs or so long )

    That being said though, and as I mentioned, those that are solely coding for the PC are doing amazing things; I wouldn't necessarily call it a golden age but there certainly are a number of PC only games that are amazing like WoW, Starcraft 2, L4D but I'm looking forward to playing things like Rage and Diablo III for instance... oh and Doom 4! (When it's done )
    (Holy crap can I not wait for Diablo III and Rage! )

    Sure, there are some AAA titles that have been successfully ported to the PC like Batman: Arkum Asylum/City, BF3 & COD (Though these started life out on PC I'd debate whether their focus nowadays) and Darksiders, but there are quite a number of comparatively depressing ports like Spider Man: Web of Shadows and GTA IV as well as games that should've seen a PC release but didn't like Red Dead Redemption and obviously TF: FoC.
    Personally, I hate ports as they're too hit and miss unless significant resources are thrown their way to make them glisten, BF/CoD & Portal 2, but bad ports swing both ways as not every PC port to a console survives the the trip either.

    Don't worry man, I'm hesitant too but if I were to get a current gen concole then the decision would be helped with things like TF: FoC, TF: Prime on Bluray, GoW, GTAIV & V, Uncharted... there are plenty of games but yeah, I wouldn't buy one simply for a single game either.
    (Unless TF: FoC turns out to be the best game ever, but nothing will top this in my mind. )
    Hursty, I am afraid that I disagree much with what you have said there. We seem to be completely different sort of gamers. I am with Zed in which that the typical console games don't really hold much appeal to me but to give you an idea on how much we differ:

    John Carmack - 'Gaming god' is too much of an over statement for me. ID hasn't really produced a good game in a very long time with most of their releases since Doom 3 being nothing more than Graphics Engine demonstrations with very generic gameplay. Even so, it's been several years (approaching 10?) since we have seen anything revolutionary from him. His name does resonate in PC gaming history but I can't say that his name means much to me nowadays when it comes to contemporary games.

    Diablo III, WoW, SC2 and other Blizzard games - I have been disliking Blizzard since WoW despite it's popularity as I think it is one of the most mindless games ever. Ever since WoW, Blizzard has failed to have the same impact with me as it once did and this is coming from a once Super mega hardcore Blizzard fan! You look at my storage and it's packed with Blizzard action figures, Game of the year and special editions of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, etc along with novels, comic books, etc!

    Now, I couldn't give two s**ts about Blizzard. I have monumental hatred for Wow and Starcraft 2 was just Starcraft 1 with better graphics (and not that great to begin with). Diablo III just looks like a piece of crap when compared to contemporary RPG games like Dragon Age which blows it out of the water and into space by what I have seen so far.

    I no longer have the same confidence in neither Blizzard nor John Carmack. To me they are kind of like the 'Speilberg' or 'Lucas' of the gaming world. They were once great but I can't say I care for their stuff any more.

    The other games you mentioned I don't really care about and most of them end up with a PC port at some stage anyways.

    To me, I am playing more PC games that I can handle. Every time I am finished with one, 2 pop up which I really want to play and they are not just ok games but fantastic ones. So to me there is a golden age but that is possibly due to the fact that we seem to be completely different type of gamers.

  9. #219
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Going OT here I think, but umm yeah none of the games other than Arkham Asylum and GTA IV that Hursti mentioned have ever been on my radar.

    And I played the GTA IV port considered inferior to the console version all the way through and only had one issue, so If this is the sort of bad port we are talking about then I'm not overly fussed.

    I've never followed gaming history closely, so I make no claims of gaming renaissances or the like, all I know is since buying my new PC I have picked up more enjoyable and high quality games (cheaply too) then I have allotted time to play.

  10. #220
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Boy am I at the opposite end of the scale from you Kup, I enjoy playing wow and have pre-ordered Diablo 3. I prefer Console gaming in general as there is less stuffing around to play the game. Some games don't even work properly until you have stuffed around with the settings, Pain in the backside when that happens. Each to their own, Even if this game was released on PC I'd take a console version over a PC version any day.

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