Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
Getting into the Takara Animated toys mate, niiiiiice!!
Well, 2 anyway - Oilslick & Shockwave were more of a case of affordability and availability rather than specificity; but I'm extremely impressed with both figures/characters as they're rather cool indeed and the metallic paint isn't as distracting as it is with other Takara Animated figures, from what I've seen anyway.

Very impressive photography Hursti, crystal clear and I love the poses you've got happening there! You even made boring old Hasbro grey Soundwave look sweet, haha. Who's your favourite out of the Animated ones you got?
Thanks for the compliments dude, the photos are improving but there is still little things that standout to me that are rather annoying; This stems from my being a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my own creativity, phantom red hued light sources that don't physically exist but are present in the pics for some inexplicable reason are chief among my peeves of that shoot.

Favourite Animated figure thus far?...
Well, currently I own:
  • Waspinator
  • Blackarachnia
  • Soundwave
  • Oilslick
  • Lockdown
  • Blitzwing
  • Skywarp
  • Shockwave

...And I'd have to say that my favourite would have to be Blitzwing, just because I love the character's treatment in TF:A and his figure is just awesome for a modern yet stylised Triple-Changer; Lockdown would have to come in second, followed closely by Soundwave.

@Gamblor: Many thanks for the compliments mate!