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Thread: Hasbro bans KOs & 3rd party goods at Botcon

  1. #11
    Join Date
    27th Nov 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    Are you suggesting that 3rd party companies don't infringe on Hasbro and Takara's intellectual property? :/

    EDIT: i think i know what you're alluding to and if so, i get it.

    imo, most 3rd party stuff is just junk. Some of it REEEALLY f#@king sucks, and some of it crosses my makeshift moral margins regarding the whole subject. anyhow, there's a big difference between producing KOs and "infringing" upon HasTaks' intellectual property ie; scratch-building a transformable toy in the likeness of Transformers brand character. shi7 tonne of grey area

  2. #12
    Join Date
    18th Aug 2008


    This doesn't affect me whatsoever. So much butthurt on those forums, sad and hilarious at the same time.

    I'd be happy just having a convention, be it official or unofficial (big or small wouldn't matter).

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by King Atlas View Post
    This doesn't affect me whatsoever. So much butthurt on those forums, sad and hilarious at the same time.

    I'd be happy just having a convention, be it official or unofficial (big or small wouldn't matter).
    That's very much the way I feel too dude, such a pity that what was a constructive thread (In the case of TFW2005) descended into such a cesspool of ridiculousness - Botcon is Hasbro property, they have the right to dictate what does and doesn't occur there and I feel this move is for the benefit of all those in attendance; unfortunately it'll be quite some time before I'm one of those people.

  4. #14
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    Another thing is... it is a federal offence* in the U.S.A. to sell goods that infringe on someone's intellectual property, such as counterfeits. So if Hasbro and/or FunPub decide to enforce a policy that cracks down on it - hey, they're actually helping to enforce the law. And ultimately if people don't follow the rules, then Hasbro's fully within their right to take legal action against them.

    Ultimately law-abiding sellers & collectors who don't buy unlicensed toys have nothing to fear. So I'm all good.

    Quote Originally Posted by MindsetOverhaul View Post
    imo, most 3rd party stuff is just junk. Some of it REEEALLY f#@king sucks, and some of it crosses my makeshift moral margins regarding the whole subject. anyhow, there's a big difference between producing KOs and "infringing" upon HasTaks' intellectual property ie; scratch-building a transformable toy in the likeness of Transformers brand character. shi7 tonne of grey area
    I agree that the 3rd party TFs are a "lesser evil" over KOs because they're not attempting to deceive people into believing that they're the real product, but even scratch-built Not-Transformer toys are still ripping off Hasbro's intellectual property because they're using the character image/likeness which they own. Some may be different looking enough to technically get away with it... but others, like Not-Arcee, are so dead-on accurate with the character likeness that if Hasbro were to take those producers to court... well I hope those producers have a good lawyer.

    *Trademark Counterfeiting Act 1984

  5. #15
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    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    scratch-built Not-Transformer toys are still ripping off Hasbro's intellectual property because they're using the character image/likeness which they own.
    Zactly right Gok.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    *Trademark Counterfeiting Act 1984
    That comic is spot on what is wrong with Hasbro rather than the third parties.

    FansProject had originally announced a 'not-Wreckgar' simply because Hasbro had not revisited the character (G1) for over 20 years. However when Hasbro finally released their version, FP quietly cancelled their release as they knew they could not compete with the official article when it comes to price and availability, specially when it wasn't bad but rather a good 'Classics' tribute - Sadly the same cannot be said about Hasbro's new Bruticus

    As I said before, if Hasbro made more stuff that was appealing to the collector market, there would be no need for 3rd parties. Only they have the power to stop the 3rd party movement but it won't be done with 'banning' or 'confiscating' toys but by acknowledging that there is money to be made from collectors with the right toys.

    I support the 3rd party movement because they cater to what I like as a collector while Hasbro has not been making much that is appealing to me for a number of years now.

    Hasbro has every right to ban unofficial toys at Botcon so no complaint from me on that but it's their neglect that caused 3rd parties exist to begin with. As long as Hasbro continues to neglect the collector market, 3rd parties will exist and as long as they exist, they have my support.

  7. #17
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    kup, Hasbro does make stuff that is appealing to the collector market, here's one example: The Classics line. We've seen plenty of updates to fan-favourite characters over the last few years, and I'm sure we'll see plenty more in the future. Just because Hasbro hasn't released a Classics Ultra Magnus, Kickback or whatever yet, it doesn't mean they won't at some point in the future. We seem to be quite an impatient bunch these days wanting everything now and if we can't get it now then we buy the thing that someone else has made just to scratch that itch. I'm glad Hasbro take their time releasing these toys, it's all about the journey.

  8. #18
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    17th Mar 2012


    All Hail the king!

    No seriously, as a collector I loathe KO's. And as to 3rd party stuff, well I am biased due to the lack of knowledge!

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    kup, Hasbro does make stuff that is appealing to the collector market, here's one example: The Classics line. We've seen plenty of updates to fan-favourite characters over the last few years, and I'm sure we'll see plenty more in the future. Just because Hasbro hasn't released a Classics Ultra Magnus, Kickback or whatever yet, it doesn't mean they won't at some point in the future. We seem to be quite an impatient bunch these days wanting everything now and if we can't get it now then we buy the thing that someone else has made just to scratch that itch. I'm glad Hasbro take their time releasing these toys, it's all about the journey.
    Hasbro's Bruticus, look how that turned out.

    Sorry but I have lost a lot of faith in Hasbro producing toys that I want as a collector and the Classics are too few to really make an impact.

    If you don't care for movie or prime lines, there really isn't really much to choose from. The 3rd parties are the ones maintaining my interest.

    Maybe some day what you say will happen and we will see Hasbro producing stuff as good as the 3rd parties but I seriously doubt it.

    Don't forget that my stance and reasoning remains that the 3rd parties are the consequence of Hasbro neglecting the collector community. Business wise, they left a gap which the 3rd parties filled successfully. If Hasbro had not left that gap wide open, 3rd parties would not have any room to exist. Obviously the 3rd parties are providing something people want that Hasbro is not.

    Hasbro could close that gap with matching products and make everyone happy (including myself) which will mean the end of the 3rd party movement but I seriously doubt they are up to it.
    Last edited by kup; 19th March 2012 at 11:04 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    One of the unofficial TFs conventions in America have already jumped on the negativity of this, in a mocking way, to rub it in the face of BotCon/Hasbro of their acceptance of non-TFs items.

    One person pointed out something important (which further makes me feel bad for FunPub being caught in the middle), that the Official Club are advertised on all Transformers toys, so are obligated to not support businesses that Hasbro doesn't approve of. It's just taken longer than it should have for Hasbro to finally force FunPub to take action on it... making FunPub look like the bad guys. (and lose attendees to the unofficial conventions)

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