Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
Yeah, 60degrees ain't gonna cut it, you need more around 230 degrees. Here is the first of a 3 part YouTube vid on how to fix. Pretty much exactly what I did. Works a treat!!

Bro, I owe you one!! My heat gun can only do 60 or 600C so I thought what the hell, if my PS3 is gonna die it may as well go out in style. One fire alarm set off and a few concentrated blasts of ye olde heat gun later and...We're back in business!! I shielded myself with my dressing gown before powering it on just in case but waddayaknow...It just works.

If this also stops my PS3 fan from going from level 1 to 5 after 10 minutes I'll be very happy indeed!

Downloading the FoC demo now thanks to you. Cheers bud!