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Thread: MP Star Saber coloured prototype

  1. #161
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    One is not really loosing out when one knows what they're getting into in their choice of business to preorder with; For many, I dare say most, the importance is predominately placed in simply having an order in the 1st place.

    For me, as I've said many times before, I will reward great customer service with continued patronage and Hobby Link Japan has well and truly earnt that, even in the face of marginally higher prices resulting from the non-requirement of a payment upfront & fluctuating exchange rates.

    In short - We all win by ordering from Japanese Online Retailers wherever & whenever a TakaraTomy Masterpiece Transformer is concerned.

    Well said my good sir.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  2. #162
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    Well said my good sir.
    Thanks old boy!

  3. #163
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raptormesh View Post
    Indeed but it cuts both ways.

    Let's say go!
    For AE yes, for NY no as you choose when you want to pay. I have no issues on all three retailers yet.

  4. #164
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raptormesh View Post
    Indeed but it cuts both ways.

    Let's say go!
    For AE yes, for NY no as you choose when you want to pay. I have no issues on all three retailers yet.

    And on one note, certain toys HLJ is always sold out so it just became as a please ignore like Amiami is.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    For me, as I've said many times before, I will reward great customer service with continued patronage and Hobby Link Japan has well and truly earnt that, even in the face of marginally higher prices resulting from the non-requirement of a payment upfront & fluctuating exchange rates.
    I'd be singing the same praises until that time they did not fulfill my preorder of the fembots. That said, still preordered with them for Star Saber and it dropped into my private warehouse today

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    here is where HLJ customers loose out, for AE and NY people paid way less than it is now as they paid upfront.
    I'd rather be down 20 bucks today than 140 a while ago. Also I think I'd rather resort to ebay than shop at AE ever again.

  6. #166
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    24th May 2007


    Unless you're a psychic, how would anyone know when is the best time to pay for something that is on pre-order 5-6 months early. Some people got lucky by pre-paying, but there is a 50-50 chance of benefiting by pre-paying.
    What if the exchange rate had improved in that time against the Yen, as it will again at some time in the future... then pre-paying will cost more, but since you never know which way currencies will go in 6 months, be careful with boasting about being lucky on one occasion.

  7. #167
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Unless you're a psychic, how would anyone know when is the best time to pay for something that is on pre-order 5-6 months early. Some people got lucky by pre-paying, but there is a 50-50 chance of benefiting by pre-paying.
    What if the exchange rate had improved in that time against the Yen, as it will again at some time in the future... then pre-paying will cost more, but since you never know which way currencies will go in 6 months, be careful with boasting about being lucky on one occasion.
    That's where NY have the option to pay now , pay later.
    Unfortunately they seem to be greedy now and have marked up prices very quickly. Psychic or not, NY gives you best of both situations

  8. #168
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    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Unless you're a psychic, how would anyone know when is the best time to pay for something that is on pre-order 5-6 months early. Some people got lucky by pre-paying, but there is a 50-50 chance of benefiting by pre-paying.
    What if the exchange rate had improved in that time against the Yen, as it will again at some time in the future... then pre-paying will cost more, but since you never know which way currencies will go in 6 months, be careful with boasting about being lucky on one occasion.
    I've canceled a preorder for most of my TAV toys because the exchange rate is bad right now, would have been nice to pay up front but I didn't get a choice. I'll have to pick them up another time if I want them.
    I have a list of all G1 characters that have been released in CHUG form. You can find it here. Please feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    That's where NY have the option to pay now , pay later.
    That still doesn't make any difference... you are still choosing and hoping that it is the best option, but either option can still work against you if the AU$ goes up or down against what you chose.
    Like if you paid first and the AU$ improves, you would have paid more than people who paid when the item is in-stock... but if you paid later and the AU$ drops, then you end up paying more than people who paid at time of ordering.
    My point was that no matter what you choose, if it actually ends up in your favour, it was because you were lucky, not because you knew the direction the AU$ vs Yen was going to be in 3-6 months time... and as such, it isn't wise to boast about it. (in other words, be mindful of the people you are boasting about it to... will they praise you for your choice, or grumble at you for pointing out their choice?)

  10. #170
    Join Date
    11th Jan 2010


    Yeah if you can predict how the currency moves, might as well get into forex trading and buy toys at any price with the boatload of $$$ made.

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