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Thread: The Doctor Who thread

  1. #291
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Anyway, after that little ramble... SPOILERS for anyone else who hasn't seen the last two seasons.

    The relationship between River and the Doctor - I wonder if they will feature their "first" encounter and courtship (and marriage) in a future season... perhaps as a season arc with her being his sole travelling companion over a season or two, covering a period of several years in his timeline.
    But then, I wonder how or why he would then end their relationship in his timeline, so that she can be then be on her own when running into him before their marriage (in her timeline). Maybe it isn't something they want to deal with, and will just leave it as an unfilmed chapter of his life (he's certainly had a significant portion of his 900+ years not documented by episodes or books).
    So what episode are you up to? You've already seen the Doctor meet River for the first time (since you watched the 10th Doctor stories) and "Spoilers, sweetie": when you're completely up to date you might find you've got answers to most of these questions.

  2. #292
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    24th May 2007


    The episode yesterday was the start of his second season (the Impossible Astronaut), which is the season that looks to focuses on River's identity as the main story arc.
    I read a little bit of her character (on a wiki while having a look at who Amy and Rory were) when the 11th Doctor episodes started playing 3 weeks ago - and since I'm not too invested in this era, it didn't "spoil" anything for me... it has probably made this second season easier to watch now that I know some of what is going on (this 2-part opener for his second season were 2 of about 6 of his 42 episodes I did watch when they first aired, but had too many mystery elements (for later in the season to answer), which made it more confusing to follow).
    I guess the title of the last episode of his second season should have given the answer to my question... but it just seems a little too quick. There must be a lot of exclusive time spent together (married or not) that is not documented on the show for her to know his name, have a very full diary, and know how to fly a tardis (properly). I guess in two weeks when this season is done, I will hopefully have my answers.

  3. #293
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Yes, season two, particularly the second half, does explain a lot of stuff about River Song.

  4. #294
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Have been watching all of the episodes that ABC's iView streaming service has been offering, in the lead up to the 50th Anniversary.

    I'm currently up to the 3rd Doctor's "The Sea Devils" story ; it's great having a chance to checkout these top-voted (By the public) stories from Doctors I've not seen before , I actually quite like Patrick Troughton's iteration & it's such a shame that many of his stories are lost to the void of time.

  5. #295
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    24th May 2007


    On the weekend they had a "Doctor Who explained" doco... that was quite interesting, as there were quite a few old doctors and companions interviewed, plus the guy who does the dalek voice.
    It was pretty recent too, as it even had a spoiler for the next episode.
    It's probably on the ABC website somewhere, for those who missed it.

  6. #296
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Watched the Doctor Who tonight where they bunged a billion little black boxes all over earth that gave folk heart attacks.

    Is it me, or does the inter-dimensional spaceship they hailed from look a helluva lot like the Nemesis?

  7. #297
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009


    Finally got to see The Tenth Planet on dvd... was happy to see both recon versions of episode 4 were included. I prefer the VHS recon (which incorporates what footage can be found) but I think my kids preferred the animated version. My nine-year-old started talking like these Cybermen in THEIR sing-SONG voice AFter watchING it.

    Fan moment: a lot of fan reviews go on about how great it was the fifth Doctor fights off his regeneration for a while in Caves of Androzani, but it seems to me the first Doctor does the same thing in the Tenth Planet. He passes out in ep 3 then rallies for the first half of ep 4. (yes I am aware of the real-world explanation for this).

    I guess this gets overlooked because the first Doctor isn't as proactive in his final story as the fifth is in his.

  8. #298
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Anyone going to hoyts or event cinemas to view the 50th anniversary episode? It will be played the day after it airs on television, some in 3D.

  9. #299
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    Anyone going to hoyts or event cinemas to view the 50th anniversary episode? It will be played the day after it airs on television, some in 3D.
    I'd love to do that, it'd be cool but I'd literally be going with me, myself & I - So I'll stick with the televised airing.

  10. #300
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    2nd Mar 2010


    Two hours ago, the BBC delivered one of the most astounding Doctor Who 50th Anniversary surprises in; "Doctor Who - The Night of The Doctor: A Mini Episode".
    Might I say too, what an amazingly unexpected and brilliantly executed 6 minutes & 49 seconds it is... was... it's relative.

    I thought I might take the time to also post links to ABC iview's current offerings, in celebration of the Doctor's 50th :
    (Remember; ABC iView is a 100% free streaming service available on a multitude of platforms )

    Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (The 1st Doctor: William Hartnell)

    Doctor Who: The Daleks (The 1st Doctor: William Hartnell)

    Doctor Who: Tomb of The Cybermen (The 2nd Doctor: Patrick Troughton)

    Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space (The 3rd Doctor: Jon Pertwee)

    Doctor Who: The Sea Devils (The 3rd Doctor: Jon Pertwee)

    Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment (The 4th Doctor: Tom Baker)

    Doctor Who: City of Death (The 4th Doctor: Tom Baker)

    Doctor Who: Earth Shock (The 5th Doctor: Peter Davidson)

    Doctor Who: The Two Doctors (The 6th Doctor: Colin Baker & feat. The 2nd Doctor: Patrick Troughton)

    Doctor Who: Battlefield (The 7th Doctor: Sylvester McCoy)

    *Ordered from earliest to latest upload*

    Also! - This Saturday, the 16th of November; ABCiview will be making available "Doctor Who: The Movie", featuring the previously sole appearance of the 8th Doctor: Paul McGann!

    Then! - on Saturday the 23rd of November; they will be making available the "Viewer's Choice" voted story, "Doctor Who: The Robots of Death" featuring the 4th Doctor: Tom Baker.

    Finally! - on Sunday the 24th of November; ABC1 will be airing the world-wide simulcast of the 50th Anniversary episode, "Doctor Who: The Day of The Doctor"! at 6.50am Australian Eastern Daylight Time with a repeat airing at 7:30pm that evening.

    This will then be followed by the Docu-movie, "An Adventure in Space and Time" at 8:45pm on ABC 1; along with ABCiview planning to host a heap of 50th Anniversary Specials throughout the day.

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