*spoilers ahead*

Things I liked about tonight's episode:
* Lots of plot twists and turns! Pretty cool seeing Davros and the Doctor playing their own psychological chess game with each other.
* The concept of the Dalek Sewer was also pretty interesting too.
* Missy explaining that the Dalek word for 'sewer' and 'graveyard' are synonymous. This continues to remind the audience that the Daleks are an alien race, and that they're actually speaking their own language which we hear as English via the Tardis' translation matrix.
* Seeing how a Dalek Travel Machine is operated.
* This happened last ep too, but I think this is the first time we've seen a Special Weapons Dalek speak, showing the entire dome circumference light up instead of just the tip of the eye stalk (which Special Weapons Daleks don't have). Made it look like a walking heater though.
* The Doctor refusing to kill or save Missy.
* The conclusion, for two reasons. Firstly, it meant that the Doctor stayed in character as the compassionate altruist. Secondly, it does continue to affirm that the Doctor cannot change significant moments in history, as previously demonstrated when Rose Tyler tried to prevent her father's death (causing Reapers to appear in order to sterilise the time paradox) and when the Tenth Doctor attempted to save Dr Adelaide Brooke (only to have events reassert themselves when Dr. Brooke committed suicide shortly after being saved by the Doctor). There may be other eps which also demonstrate this, but those are all I can think of for now.

Things that I wasn't so fond of...
* The Doctor's mysteriously appearing cup of tea. It felt like Moffat really rubbing in the fact that he can just make random crap happen for no rhyme or reason and that we should just shut up and accept it. Just replace the word "Doctor" with "Batman."
* Deus ex solis perspicillum.