One thing that's worth adding in here. Lyndon LaRouche recently made an economic forecast that with everything going on, the entire global financial system could begin to melt down as early as July 10th. I'm not posting this to get into any political discussions about the man or his policies. However given his track record in predicting his kind of thing (the US recession of the 1960s, Wall Street in '88 and the GFC) I figure it's worth noting, as it may well be a case of buying what anything we had our eyes on in the next couple of weeks, as if he is right, it may be quite a while before some of us are going collectibles buying as of a fortnight from now.

EDIT: The factors this forecast was based on were apparently the Greek financial crisis and 47 of the 50 US states being in danger of declaring bankrupcy due to budgeting issues (they're currently bankrupt and have until the first week of July to finalise their budgets), while the restoration of Glass Stegall legislation which would instantly stabilise the situation has continued to be blocked by the US congress. Again, not trying to get into a political discussion here- just mentioning something relevant by an individual with a knack for predicting these things and what their forecast has been based on.