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Thread: an ozformers podcast?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    I'm really keen for this idea and with the permission of the high ups in here I'd like to get the ball rolling on possibly making a 'pilot' for them to listen to and see if they like it.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Why not add some video too. Upload it to Youtube.

    We don't have to be in the video, just have a group of pictures or short clips playing that is relevant to the comments at hand.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I personally don't need a video accompaniment when listening to podcasts as I'm usually doing something else while listening to them.

    I think they should be made as audio podcasts, but maybe if you or anyone else wants to, you can make a video versions of them and upload them on YouTube.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    we should just test the audiocast idea first before going full-fledge vidcast

  5. #35
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    For a podcast to work well it needs a a few key things.
    1 - A core group. This can be added to week-to-week and as circumstances change.
    2 - A time when said group can meet online and discuss.
    3 - A coordinator of sorts who can make sure recording happens, that there's an agenda for each session, etc.

    Note that the podcast need not necessarily be a chat-show style thing. Some of my favourite popcasts are/were the Enough Rope from Andrew Denton (essentially just a podcast version of his interview from the night before) and Mark Driscoll's weekly podcast (Mark Driscoll runs a church called Mars Hill and podcasts his sermons each week). I was also a fan of TFWire while it was still around, which was the chat-show style podcast. RadioFreeCybertron now runs a similar thing. Not sure if you'd want to replicate the same thing, or try and do something different.

    A way that I imagine it in my head is that you could set it up with 2 or 3 core people discussing various aspects of Australian fandom. You could then enlist others to create 5 minute segments in areas they were experienced - eg: Gok to do a brief random fact from the last 30 years of Transformers; someone else to review a figure; hadn't really thought of what segments you'd want.

    Both Tommy K and Sharky have said they'd be particularly keen for this sort of thing, as have others. You would then need to determine when they could meet up and record. Someone would need the ability to record the conversation and clean up the audio to ensure it was suitable for broadcast.

    It's not something I could commit to this year sadly (stupid Engineering thesis! ) but would be keen to be involved with this at some point come December.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    As for a name I vote Ozformers Live! Unless Griffin does go ahead with that name change to which he seemed to cryptically refered to a few weeks ago.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    Time to bring this thread back from the dead because this is a great idea that keeps fading.

    I'm thinking of actually going ahead with this and starting something, though I'm not the biggest TF fan around here, I think this podcast could work if it was done so in a way that wasn't like the Twincast or WTF@TFW where it's just about people's opinions on toys. I think our podcast would work if it had more elements of the Yogpod/Yogscast to it, where there were more random discussions and a real sense of friendship/dedication between the hosts.

    I agree with Seraphim in that there needs to be a core group. I'm willing to be one of the main organizers/hosts of this podcast but at the same time I won't be saying much regarding Transformers Gen 1 or BW as my knowledge of those isn't as deep as other members.

    Technically, I think we'll start out first using Skype that is somehow recorded then i'll upload the mp3s to some good file-sharing site or even just youtube!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    Wow, what a great Idea, I've thought of this on occasion, but never went to the trouble of mentioning it. I would love to be involved, for an hour or two a week.

    For those unsure of podcasts, I used to listen to TFWire till it finished, now my core podcast is Radio Free Cybertron, my second is the Twincast Podcast from Seibertron, and I like the wtf@tfw but it's broadcast as video with a few image changes an hour and that is troublesome for my Zen player.

    Segments work, a core group with a state based changing roster isn't a bad idea, I could afford the time to be a state base rep every month or so. I would need some Skype edumacation but I'm sure hat could be worked out.

    I don't have the time or know how to organise/host but I'd love to get involved.

    I read the comics, I watch the shows, and something like twitter theatre, would be cool. I have opinions!!

    ozformers ozcast, or something like that perhaps.
    My Fan interview with Big Trev

    my original collection from when I was more impressionable.
    My Current Collection Pics (Changing on occasion)

  9. #39
    Join Date
    12th Mar 2010


    What do you think of this prototype design?

    And prototype opening? I'm not sure if filesonic is allowed but here it is for download. It's a mess really and I suck at audio editing, but it is 3:40AM in the morning!

    Last edited by SkyWarp91; 28th May 2011 at 04:59 AM.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWarp91 View Post
    What do you think of this prototype design?


    And prototype opening? I'm not sure if filesonic is allowed but here it is for download. It's a mess really and I suck at audio editing, but it is 3:40AM in the morning!
    Well, you've got my vote purely on the artwork dude.
    But seriously, I admire your attentiveness.
    (Unfortunately I only got 38secs of no audio )

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