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Thread: What spooky movie to watch this Halloween?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008

    Default What spooky movie to watch this Halloween?

    Was hoping to be playing the new Silent Hill this Halloween (whilst sipping Prince of Wales tea from my Silent Hill 2 mug ), but alas the game has been delayed so a movie it is!

    Any recommendations would be most welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    26th Apr 2009


    English or foreign? I find english horror films to be...bland. Not very freighting unless you're a kid or just looking for the odd "OMG WHERE DID THAT/HE/SHE COME FROM?".

    Try some foreign horror films. It's almost bed time for I can't name many off the top of my head.

    Original Ring saga was great (Ringu)
    The original grudge was great (creepy as hell)

    I know I know, they are probably the most recommended horror films, but as I said, can't really name any other off the top of my head at this time of night

    If u're waiting for silent hill, Replay the games from 1-4 or those fatal frame games.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The live-action Bio-Booster Armour Guyver movies are scary... but not in a good way. <shudder>

    Have you seen Cursed? That's pretty spooky. Do check out the original Japanese versions of Grudge and Ring if you haven't already -- I find them scarier than their American remakes. Ditto A Tale of Two Sisters (later adapted as The Uninvited which I thought wasn't as scary).

    Cursed trailer
    A Tale of Two Sisters trailer

  4. #4
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    English or foreign? I find english horror films to be...bland. Not very freighting unless you're a kid or just looking for the odd "OMG WHERE DID THAT/HE/SHE COME FROM?".

    Try some foreign horror films. It's almost bed time for I can't name many off the top of my head.

    Original Ring saga was great (Ringu)
    The original grudge was great (creepy as hell)

    I know I know, they are probably the most recommended horror films, but as I said, can't really name any other off the top of my head at this time of night

    If u're waiting for silent hill, Replay the games from 1-4 or those fatal frame games.
    English or foreign, doesn't matter! I watch a lot of horror so I'm hoping someone can suggest something a bit unusual.

    Replaying the essential Silent Hills could indeed be a goer. I'd have to pick between 1 and 4 as the others are getting the HD treatment in time for Xmas. The first Fatal Frame was a great game, another good suggestion.

  5. #5
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    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The live-action Bio-Booster Armour Guyver movies are scary... but not in a good way. <shudder>

    Have you seen Cursed? That's pretty spooky. Do check out the original Japanese versions of Grudge and Ring if you haven't already -- I find them scarier than their American remakes. Ditto A Tale of Two Sisters (later adapted as The Uninvited which I thought wasn't as scary).
    Indeed I have! A Tale of Two Sisters would have to be my favourite of those three. I thought I had it on dvd but I can't find it now...Wtf!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    English or foreign? I find english horror films to be...bland. Not very freighting unless you're a kid or just looking for the odd "OMG WHERE DID THAT/HE/SHE COME FROM?".
    I tend to agree.

    Hollywood horror films tend to pump money into visual effects and try to just visually scare the pants off you (don't get me wrong, it's still pretty darn scary), whereas a lot of Asian horror movies with their cheaper budgets, tend to use the story to psychologically scare you, and I find that creepier than visual frights! Many Asian horror films use the art of scaring you with what you _don't_ see rather than with what you do!

    Some Hollywood horror movies are now going for lower budget psycho thrillers too instead of just lots of visual effects - like Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    Original Ring saga was great (Ringu)
    The original grudge was great (creepy as hell)
    I've read the Ring manga, which was adapted straight off the novel (it was originally a novel)... scarier than the film.

    What about books? They can often be scarier than films. I've never read any Stephen King books, but people tell me they're scary and I don't find his films particularly scary (at least, not as scary as I'd expect I guess). H.P. Lovecraft is classic horror.

    I loved reading Interview With A Vampire. The film is a good adaptation, but the book shows certain things in a certain light which we don't quite get from the film.
    Tagged Spoilers:
    e.g. the vampires are somewhat physically stronger -- when Louis and Lestat fight they kick some serious butt... I guess it would have required more extensive visual effects or CGI that wasn't as readily available at the time the film was made. Also there's an entire section about Louis travelling around Europe looking for more of his own kind and encountering wild/feral vampires; perpetuating many of the "myths" people have about vampires. It made him and Claudia think that they may have been the only intelligent vampires left until much later on when they encounter Armand and his cohorts.

    I haven't read any of the other Vampire Chronicles books, but I've been told that they're not that good -- but Interview is pretty awesome IMHO. I found it to be a very hard book to put down.

  7. #7
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    2nd Mar 2010


    Here's an Irish flick that I thought wasn't too bad: Wake Wood, my preferences tend to skew towards more of a 'Horror' theme than 'Spooky' but Spain's Orphanage is another good one that I'd consider to be Spooky.
    I agree with the sentiment with Hollywood though; it's all blood/gore, snap-scare and 'boobies' - I'm not against that necessarily but well thought out and executed suspense-based scary movies seem to be a dead breed from them.

    Fatbot and LordCyrus would be good people to ask too, if they were on.

  8. #8
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    27th Dec 2007


    These questions are very hard to answer, as everyone's idea of 'scary' is different.
    For what it's worth, a few films that have creeped me out over the years: Rosemary's Baby (1968), The Haunting (1963), The Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Blair Witch Project, Dead of Night (1945), Eraserhead.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    The Thing. Not the new one!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    TF3? Oh wait, that's a different sort of Horror...

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