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Thread: TF4 - 2014

  1. #51
    Join Date
    20th Aug 2011


    I just hope they won't expose OP's abdominal organs this time...and less human...don't spend 40min on a stupid building destruction work by a big brainless worm...

    Without Soundwave and Shockwave it's hard to imagine it being exciting...more so if Megatron is resurrected again. It'd be better if they change the characters completely, no more endless OP against Megatron where neither of them ever really dies.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Demonac View Post
    I have several movie critics that I read who have similar movie tastes to me.
    They watch the crap films so I don't have to.
    Now let me get back to watching 'Bride of the Monster'.
    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    How very fitting for your 666th post
    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    Now he's never going to post again, just to keep that number next to his name...


  3. #53
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    "Sources" say...

    A source close to the production of Transformers 4 has cleared up some elements about the film. While the term 're-imagining' was thrown around, the fourth film will be a straight up sequel to the last movie. It just won't be told through Witwicky's point of view. As to whose point of view it will be told through, that's unclear right now, but it's also unclear which - if any - human characters will be back.

    The thing I was really curious about was how this 're-imagining' impacted the tone of the movie. The three films so far have been remarkably violent and dark for a series based on toys, and I wouldn't expect that to change. What I would expect to change is the humor - Bay seems intent on cutting down on the goofy, tone-deaf comedy bits that have seen some of our finer actors pissed on and tickled by giant robots.

    "Michael realized it needs to be more like the last hour [of Dark of the Moon]," this source told me. So expect lots of big action, lots of carnage, lots of military badasses, very few silly bits.
    Source via Bleedingcool

  4. #54
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


  5. #55
    Join Date
    11th May 2011


    Oh god! I just had a horror day dream after I read that "source". Please god don't let it be Bumblebee's view! I love Bays movies. It if it's Bumblebee's view I'm not gonna be able to take it or the hundreds of repaints/redeco's of him for TF4.

    That being said this COULD be some great news. Bring on Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge and the sweeps! Maybe a little Unicron action leading into TF5! I'd even welcome Hot/Rodimus Prime if it means less Optimus repaints

  6. #56
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I agree with what Sky Shadow said. One really annoying thing about the Bay films is that it's too much about the humans -- Sam is always the protagonist, the Autobots are essentially Sam's accessories and the Decepticons have sweet bugger all characterisation and are treated as nothing more than set pieces. I understand the need to have a human in the story for the audience to empathise with -- but that's it. The human doesn't need to become the main character.

    And yeah, Beast Machines is actually a well written story. It's just doesn't fit into the overall Transformers lore very comfortably. The main problem with the ending isn't that it's poorly written, but because it created a "dead end" for the G1 continuity family. But if you look at Beast Machines as a story in its own right, it's not too badly written. I quite liked how BM obscured the line between the concepts of "good" and "evil" and it was more about two conflicting causes, both of whom considered themselves as righteous.

    Quote Originally Posted by theheretic
    That being said this COULD be some great news. Bring on Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge and the sweeps! Maybe a little Unicron action leading into TF5! I'd even welcome Hot/Rodimus Prime if it means less Optimus repaints
    Bring on proper stories with consistent plotlines that are driven by character development!!!

  7. #57
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Well, I guess another poorly-written movie sequel is better than a more-of-the-same 're-imagining' from the same one-trick pony as before. At least this way when they eventually do a reboot it'll be an actual reboot.

  8. #58
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    As a reboot, the next TF movie might be okay. Because the first Transformers movie was fairly enjoyable. It was pretty simple and captured the spirit of the G1 cartoon fairly well. It didn't have much story depth, but as a first movie that introduces the audience to the world of the Transformers, that's fine.

    The sequels should be where the story delves deeper into the finer workings of that story's world. Look at say X-Men compared to X-Men 2 -- the first one was a simple but enjoyable story, and X2 was much more character-story driven (primarily around Wolverine). Ditto A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back and numerous other examples that I'm sure we can all think of. The problem with ROTF and DOTM isn't that they didn't try to dig deeper into the world of the Transformers - they did. The problem is that they didn't do a terribly good job of it. When delving into the depths of world-building, the stories of ROTF and DOTM is like watching someone clumsily fall down a flight of stairs. I hope that Bay takes the opportunity of doing a re-boot and improves on the weaknesses of the trilogy. Otherwise, what's the point of doing a reboot? If we're gonna have more of the same old same old, then I'd honestly rather have a sequel to DOTM... seriously.

    And I hope Hasbro takes notes from the way they badly handled the DOTM toy line... but ya know... it's Archer... his learning curve is haphazard at best. (-_-)

  9. #59
    Join Date
    5th Jan 2008


    Well hopefully the "source" is wrong and they do a proper reboot and actually follow the canon of transformers. Then again if it is a sequel i will still watch it ( loved the last one ) and the toys, well never gave crap about them anyway, just happy to have more transformer movies.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    And I hope Hasbro takes notes from the way they badly handled the DOTM toy line... but ya know... it's Archer... his learning curve is haphazard at best. (-_-)
    Aaron Archer is just one in a chain of people who approve of or decides what happens with Transformers. Targeting one person out of the several layers of management is like blaming a one person at KFC for those dreadful Fresh Subs they are currently selling.

    So far you've blamed him for everything since Beast Wars to the current Movies. He's been promoted through several levels of Management during that time, and each step of that management ladder would be just one stage of approvals/decisions... meaning that decisions pass through him, but are hardly exclusively his. Anything specific that fans dislike about the Transformers toys, went through several people before it got to him, and until recently, still had to go through people above him. (and even still, the CEO would probably still have some say in the direction of the Brand)

    And Hasbro won't learn, or change, because they would still see DotM as a success. The movie made them heaps of money, and the toys were still bought up by retailers to almost the same level as RotF.
    It's kinda like Coles or Woolies being open late (or those 24 hour department stores) - at certain late hours they are operating at a loss per hour, but over the day as a whole, those meager sales have added to their total sales for that day, making it look better than if they closed early.
    Hasbro may have taken a loss on maybe 3 or 4 DotM toy moulds (and that's only if they never re-release them - but they will eventually), but those smaller sales made from a limited production run adds to their total sales figures for the Brand as a whole - which is all they target and later boast about to their shareholders.

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