Quote Originally Posted by Reflector View Post
Having no feelings makes Omega Supreme a prime suspect
oh my god, you're right! And none of the Autobots would be strong enough to stop him D: that monster.

Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
Terrorcons (G1 or Energon) are possible suspects but I can't think of any particular examples. It'd have to be something with a beast mode surely. Kinda sounds like a Japanese thing. Maybe in Kiss Players?

Oh wait. Devastator "ate" a couple of extras in ROTF. Wouldn't be surprised if Ravage or Laserbeak or any Bayverse Con did this in the IDW comics.
Yeah, I have a feeling it was the Terrorcons, or at least G1 Rippersnapper. Those Bayverse bots are barbarians, I wouldn't put it past any of them either.

Quote Originally Posted by Tober View Post
Yeah, I seem to vaguely remember the Megatron clones (Legion) from Kiss Players devouring human victims. Syao Syao is captured and about be be devoured before Hot Rodimus shows up... I think...
Uuhh, yeah, devoured :C I love how the author wanted to make the girls young teenagers, only until someone pointed out they wouldn't be old enough to drive a car did he change it.

Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
Unicron 'ate' Daniel and Spike, and Animated Grimlock sort of ate Porter C Powell but spat him out again.
Kind of I guess, I meant the being eaten that results in death though.

Thanks for the responses guys. Anyone else know some examples?

OKAY Toy question this time.
Armada Red Alert has an hilarious sound chip. You know, "RED ALERT! WOOWOOWOO!"
Do the Japansese and Korean versions also have this chip? Does he say something different or is it just car noises and sirens?