Quote Originally Posted by Prowl View Post
Totally understand that . Out of all my TF's this one seems to evoke the G1 goodness with a bit more flexability.

Never had a original Jetfore/Skyfire but he just feels "right" to me.
I do like the classics jetfire but I will be hard pressed to believe he's the best of the modern molds. I really like a lot of them, off the top of my head I'd have to say that Warpath, scourge, cyclonus and windcharger are all better, not necessarily in that order but Warpath is brilliant in execution and the "feel"

I have an original jetfire junker (hand me down from and ex flatmate), and the new classics one, while the new one is very good, it doesn't quite grasp the sleek blockiness of the original concept so well, but then it's also probably more of a jetfire than a macross toy

end of off topic rant

The problem with this discussion is that there is just soo much awesome in the new classic lines. 10 people could all pick a different favorite.